Torqus is now inresto. Enable Contactless Dining with inresto. Click HERE

Get Orders Directly From Your Restaurant’s Instagram Page

A typical day in a millennial’s life starts with scrolling their Instagram feed, & taking inspiration for everything and anything from breakfast to their mid-night snacks. In a world like this, using Instagram for business is the most important thing you could use to reach out to your audience & drive sales instantly.

Most of the people are guilty of watching their favourite food videos online and ordering the food instantly. Well, Instagram understands its users well & is finally here with ‘food order’ sticker that enables a diner to order food directly from their favourite restaurant’s Instagram page.
A smooth road for your diners to order food and for you to drive up your sales instantly. Here is how you can enable your own restaurant’s food orders sticker following these simple steps:

Get Orders Directly From Your Restaurant’s Instagram Page

Enable the ‘Food Order’ Sticker on your restaurant’s Instagram page today. Get in touch with us here.

Malls Have Unlocked | Are They Ready For The New Normal?

As the world around us slowly and steadily reels out of major lockdowns, individuals, as well as businesses, have a common worry, capacity management or in simpler terms crowd control. Even while businesses are pulling up their shutters and firing up their kitchen, excited about welcoming their customers back into establishments, this continues to play hardball. A partially deserted mall is usually one that has failed to please its customers. But somehow the same concept now represents an establishment that maintains social distancing to the core.

While most businesses understand the intricacies and importance of social distancing and capacity management, what they are struggling with is the best way to implement it without compromising on customer experience. And here, technology plays an important role. Dineout was born with the mission to help foodies discover and visit restaurants across the country. Our B2B product suite, inresto, that witnessed massive success across these restaurants has also found a place within other establishments, malls being one of them. 

Re-invigorating consumer confidence with the advent of technology

In open markets like Wuhan, businesses have already shown promising signs of a return to a new normalcy. In India, June is the month where malls will be opening their doors again. However, customers no longer want to squeeze through these doors wary of coming in close contact with strangers. Their psyche has changed and confidence in public places being safe has hit rock bottom. 

The most important task for malls is rebuilding confidence amongst these customers. The only way to tackle distrust is by reducing high-touch elements and maintaining hygiene and social distancing with the help of technology. The establishment of infection prevention infrastructure and regulations like sanitisation stalls, temperature checks, limited entry for both employees and customers will play a crucial role.

1. Technology-Enabled Contactless Services 

In the pre-COVID world, a packed mall was a sight to behold. Customers thronged such malls, knowing well that they are home to some of the best outlets. But that has become secondary now. Capacity management and sanitation have taken centre stage. Anything less is frowned upon and avoided. We experienced a glimpse of what chaos mismanagement can lead to when alcohol shops were open during lockdown phase 03. Businesses and individuals have learned from this and shifted to the adoption of technology in the form of an E-token 

A parallel can be drawn in this case for malls who can prepare ahead of time to create a safe & secure environment by limiting interactions to essentials and managing crowds seamlessly. And this can be managed by inresto’s tried and a tested technology product suite that already has many takers in the industry. It will help achieve peak capacity management within the mall by controlling the entry and exit by the usage of pre-booking and QR code features. Here customers will need to pre-book their slots for a visit to any retail or F&B outlet. This will enable the mall to identify expected footfall and spread it across time slots in a day, thereby avoiding overcrowding.

Trends across the world hint at a tectonic shift towards the introduction of technology like digital payments and digital ordering, where customers use their own devices to initiate and complete transactions.

2.  Hygiene & Safety Partnerships

Utmost hygiene has become the new normal. It has invaded every aspect of our lives and is here to stay. And the same needs to be maintained through the entire journey of a customer visiting a mall. Malls need to streamline all necessary hygiene accreditation and regularise sanitation inspections. The key here is attention to detail. Replacing manually opening doors with sensor-based doors will reduce the surfaces that customers are prone to touch. Similarly, sanitation stalls across the malls as well as inside the lift will also reassure the customers of their safety.

To help malls do all of this effortlessly inresto has prepared a safety kit. This kit includes items like sanitisers, thermometers, visor, gloves, face masks and headgears. It is a one-stop solution for a mall looking to confidently open its doors. We have also tied up with hygiene accreditation partners who conducted regular checks and hand out certifications. These will help rebuild customer confidence which will ensure steady footfalls once the shutters are lifted.

3. Expand your revenue sources

Challenging times have led to people coming up with the most innovative solutions. Ann Landers once said, “Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don’t recognize them.” Malls were already struggling with profit margins, a reduction in footfall means even they have a steeper mountain to climb. In such a case they can explore an additional revenue opportunity with an intelligent AI-based Ad-platform. Taking ownership of a digital platform like a website has become vital for sustenance. This gets the businesses in direct touch with their customers, gives them a pulse of their sentiments and brings along a plethora of opportunities from brands and advertisers that can prove beneficial to mall owners. 

Malls already have the means, they just need to execute it. Once such instance is Radio Khaitan, that makes 8 PM whisky and Magic Moments Vodka. During the ongoing lockdown they expanded the use of extra neutral alcohol (ENA) at one of their distillery into the production of hand sanitiser. Similarly malls can make the most of existing brand relationships and give them a promotional platform.

4. Marketing Opportunities

As malls gear up to open their doors, they are aware that footfall will be limited. All the year-long marketing plans have gone for a toss. In some cases, marketing budgets have been cut down tremendously. This has led to the reevaluation of a marketing campaign from a strategic point of view. Cause everyone was already shooting in the dark, now even the darts are limited. So marketing on the right platforms becomes even more essential. 

inresto, which already provides cutting edge technology, is partnering with businesses to help them leverage platforms such as Times Digital Network, print media, social network, campaigns, banners & push notifications to reach out to the right audience, rebuild customer confidence, increase footfall and enhance revenue.

Supporting the hospitality business with cutting edge technology has always been inresto’s forte. And as we march into the future, we are looking to support businesses with tech and services in various areas and help them overcome challenges. These would range from enabling businesses with Whitelabel websites digital menus, pre-booking, pre-ordering, takeaways, supply chain automation, credit aggregations and more. Our team is working tirelessly to make this possible for every business strategising to evolve as per the new-normal norms.

As people become more and more wary about their surroundings, they are experiencing an overwhelming sense of fear. H. P. Lovecraft once said, “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” 

The onus here is on us to remove this sense of fear and replace it with trust. The tools for progress from here on will be technology. It will pave our path to success and victory. What we need to remember is that humans are social creatures; the need to socialise is cardinal. And the responsibility to make it possible in a safe and secure environment is collectively ours.

Adopt Safety And Hygiene Solutions at your restaurant | Enable #SafeToEatOut

The diners who were waiting to experience the joy of dining out are finally happy to step out & grab their favourite meal as the restaurant industry opens its doors for the public.

But as the pandemic persists around the globe, diners continue to be concerned about their health & question whether it is truly safe to eat out at restaurants.

This is your time to double down on your restaurant’s safety, gain your diners’ trust back and contribute towards flattening the curve of COVID19. All you need are leading safety and hygiene solutions that ensure 360-degree protection and keep your diners as well as your staff safe without any doubt. inresto by dineout has gone ahead and partnered with the best-in-class service providers and curated the perfect set of hygiene essentials that any restaurant would want during these times.

This ensures that diners don’t give a second thought while planning to visit your restaurant.

Here is how you can make it possible for your restaurant –

1. Restaurant safety & PPE kits

To begin with, your restaurant needs  PPE kits for staff present at your restaurant to safeguard your restaurant premise and limit direct contact.

This kit includes gloves, masks, face shield, hand sanitizers and thermometers. We are sure that with this safety kit in place you can reopen your restaurant with confidence, and assure your diners as well as your staff members of a safe dining environment.

2. Monitoring Employee’s Health 

Employee health and safety is paramount. Your employees are one of the biggest assets of your business. And hence their health remains of utmost importance. Since COVID19 is a disease that transmits through human contact, our daily responsibility is to take care of the safety of people around us.

We at inresto by dineout help facilitate routine health check-ups for your staff through healthcare service provided by QubeHealth.Remember, a healthy staff keeps you safe & makes for a safe and healthy environment for your diners. 

3. Sterifume Disinfection Services

Since the virus also spreads from surfaces, and your staff & diners will come in contact with furniture like tables, chairs, kitchen slabs, etc consciously, and unconsciously which is proper and frequent cleaning and disinfecting of surfaces is extremely important.

We have partnered with Rentokil and Zoono to provide best in class sterifume disinfection services to all our restaurant partners. Rentokil Initial is one of the largest business services companies in the world, providing pest control, hygiene and workwear services. Zoono provides Z-71 microbe shield surface sanitizer and protectant that is highly effective and has been tested to work against corona, ebola and e-coli.  If you are looking for a disinfectant service that lasts pretty long, this is it for you.  

4. Live Kitchen Feeds

We are aware of the precautions we take at our home to ensure the safety of our family. 

But the uncertainty of what happens behind the kitchen doors of the dining area at restaurants makes diners question the idea of eating out. inresto has partnered with STQU to help remove this cloud of doubt and ensure transparency.

This AI-Powered video analytics service in collaboration with STQU allows the restaurateur to keep a check on every little detail he is concerned with. 

This technology streams live footage of in-restaurant activities that help you

  • Detect people who are not wearing masks
  • Detect people who are violating social distancing norms
  • Monitor hygiene compliances like sanitization, handwash & mopping activities
  • Detect Fever using thermal cameras 
  • Trace contact inside the organization

This way, you can make sure that all the hygiene solutions that you have deployed are being put to proper use. You can assure your diners that what happens inside the kitchens is not hidden, everything is being monitored & the safety guidelines are being adhered to. 

5. Equinox Labs Accreditation for Hygiene Ratings and Audits

As we suggested at the beginning of this blog, the need of the hour is rebuilding diner trust. Diners have several questions about dining out being safe or not. Let them know that you are leaving no stone unturned in keeping their safety your number one priority and upping your restaurant’s hygiene standards. 

Equinox Labs (A FSSAI notified laboratory) provides accreditation to restaurants based on –

personal hygiene, waste disposal, screening checkpoints, etc., this certification can proudly be displayed on the dineout app so that diners know that you are taking utmost precautions.

With all this set of hygiene essentials enabled at your restaurant, you can be a #SafeToEatOut restaurant. You do not have to go to each of these partners personally and arrange the services for yourself, inresto will do it all for you 🙂

In the end, we need to acknowledge that an unprecedented situation like this takes a toll on businesses, but us humans have always managed to fight the negative forces, found ways to come out stronger and built successful empires. With a little hope and togetherness, we can change the face of the restaurant industry and remind people of their love for dining out and how they cannot live without it. 🙂

If you have not enabled #SafeToEatOut at your restaurant yet, get in touch with us here.

Make Your Cafe Stand Out With These Amazing Tips!

In the ever-expanding world of hospitality, it can often be difficult to make your restaurant or café unique and attractive. While your cuisine may truly be among the best, it is not nearly enough. From the positioning of your café to its social media presence, and even the perks and amenities that come along with it can be a huge factor in boosting the business.

Here are 5 expert tips to help all café owners create better versions of their business.

1. Ambience and Placement

All cafes should focus on two primary modes of appeal-exterior appeal and interior appeal. The mood that the café presents can itself be a driving factor for customers. Unique decorations, stylish interiors, and a creative menu can help uplift the total appeal of your establishment. But you must also keep in mind the positioning of your café, match the ambience accordingly while maintaining pristine hygiene and social distancing norms. If you have not yet constructed your establishment, we suggest to first pick a suitable address and then go ahead with the ambience design.

2. Introduce yourself to the masses

Sure, an introductory offer works great! Do you know what works better? Having your brand presence in local festivals and events! For new cafes, this can be a highly useful way to introduce your culinary specialities to large masses. Participation in offline events also gives a great push to the brand presence and helps drive sales to your restaurant!

3. Create Unique Offerings and Promotions

Offering Discounts on Valentine’s Day, New Years’ Eve, etc. are common promotions that your competitors are also doing. You need to find your USP and build promotions around it. For instance, If you provide a certain type of cuisine then try to promote that culture and celebrate their events. Or you can simply go for a day by day offer to match your target market.

4. Get Online

Social media is the most powerful marketing tool in the hands of any business owner!. With the right social media strategy and quality content, you can push your brand to reach beyond all expectations. Many new brands have been able to join the big leagues due to their social media presence. You can share recipes, promote your chef, and also have special sessions by inviting celebrity chefs. You can build a customer base online with the right use of social media tools. So don’t wait out, get online! 

5. Help Goes a Long Way

Do you see a charity event happening near you? Or is there a community kitchen nearby? Make sure that you take an active step to help such undertakings. This will not only boost your business persona but also allow people to understand that you care about the community. Nothing works better for a new café than a connection with the local community.

Making use of these 5 tips, you can reconfigure your marketing strategy and will gain the edge over your competition. P.S. Don’t compromise with your food taste and quality, which will always bring back the customers!  

Why Choose a Restaurant Menu Management Software?

What is a restaurant without its menu? A smart food business will always create an appealing and attractive menu that will make customers’ mouths water every time they glance at it. However, today’s restaurants not only look for popularity but also design menus that ensure higher profits and exponentially increase sales. The trick? An innovative menu management software!

What is Restaurant Menu Management Software?

In today’s world of virtual and online food ordering, point-of-sale (POS) software contains various features. Out of them, restaurant menu management is an integral feature that can be used to create and modify any restaurant’s menu. Moreover, software developers have integrated this software with inventory and billing modules. As a whole, an efficient POS software creates exciting menus and curates them according to the availability of raw materials. 

How does one choose the best menu management software according to specific consumer interests? Given below are some crucial points that restaurants should keep in mind while buying such software.

1. Managing Individual Recipes 

A restaurant should take care of each ingredient that goes into a well-made dish. Moreover, it should not overspend on the quantities of raw materials, the methods, and the equipment used. 

A menu management system standardizes each recipe throughout all outlets of a restaurant. This ensures excellent food quality and avoids wastage of materials, thus streamlining inventory management.

2. Managing Standard Menus 

Managers can face logistical problems while trying to modify/change menus, especially if they are standardized across all outlets. A POS software can overcome this problem by ensuring that any addition/removal of items in one outlet is reflected throughout all the others. This saves precious time and lets managers avoid errors in reinventing their menus. 

3. Curating and Customizing Menus

The most effective POS software categorizes menus according to their type; for instance: dim sum, main course, dessert, beverages etc. In addition, it allows restaurants to edit and modify these categories whenever necessary. Further, it enables customers to sift through the menu and find out whether the desired dishes are available.

4. Detailed Display

A smart menu management software aids in upselling the most popular items of a restaurant chain. By displaying them at the forefront of a menu list, such a software pushes their sale. Thus, the revenue generated by the increased sale of these dishes is maximized.

Moreover, smart central menus can be customized to show important food-related information, such as nutritional value and the calorie intake involved, the ingredients used, and any presence of allergens (if any). An efficient software can display such information across all outlets once it is added to a central database. 

5. Thorough Reports and Suggestions

The most effective menu management software is analytical: on regular use, it evaluates a restaurant’s sales, checks the performance of every dish, and offers comprehensive reports on the least popular as well as the on-demand items. Also, the cost of producing each item versus its performance can be used to verify which items are cost-effective and which deplete a restaurant’s capital!

To remain relevant, grow, and generate profits, all restaurants must opt for POS software that contains smart restaurant menu management features. Clearly, the pros of such software far outweigh the cons. Furthermore, it saves a lot of time, personnel intervention, and money. With the above points in mind, go buy the software that best suits your restaurant’s needs! 

The Need and Importance of inresto Restaurant POS System

With the recent technological advances in retail transaction systems, restaurant owners and managers have started to choose point-of-sale (POS) systems as the medium of transactions. Why? Because new POS software is not only a medium of trade but also takes care of a restaurant’s logistical needs. Moreover, it helps restaurant chains streamline their daily work. Given below are some of the crucial reasons behind the growing dependency of most expanding restaurant chains

1. Improved Customer Services And Relations

Restaurants can use POS systems to reduce order delays and cater to specific customer needs. An efficient POS system software ensures that every customer’s requirements are taken care of and arranges menus accordingly. Therefore, managers can retain customer loyalty and keep their regular buyers coming back for more.

2. Efficient Employee Management

With the latest POS systems available, a restaurant’s total number of employees can be identified, evaluated, and paid according to a central database. Such software reduces the hassle involved in manual categorization and payroll completion of employees. Further, a centralized system means that employee theft can be avoided and/or penalized, cash flows can be checked, and all transactions can be secure.

3. Sales Tracking

Restaurant managers can utilize novel POS systems to keep tabs on the total number of customers and orders, along with revenue flow and management. Additionally, these systems keep thorough checks on inventory. This way, managers can achieve efficient use of the stock, with timely notifications on the availability of raw materials.

4. No Need for Paperwork

The use of paper for billing, invoicing, and related purposes is costly and can be avoided with the usage of POS systems. With such software, the need for manual orders is eliminated, leave no room for human errors in revenue calculations. Indeed, POS systems are less costly and more reliable than manual logistical support.

5. Control of Access Rights

Along with transaction tracking, cases of fraud can be avoided and/or identified more easily. This is because employers/managers have more access to all restaurant data via the POS system they use, while employees have limited access. This gives more power to the owners and lets them avoid employee mishaps.

6. Multi-Platform Usability

Many of the POS systems can be accessed via smartphone/tablet devices, which leads to secure access for customers. Instead of going to restaurants and ordering in person, customers can browse and order their food online, regardless of wherever they are sitting.

7. Data Storage And Protection

POS systems store restaurant data in cloud-based servers so that it is protected and cannot be tampered with. Furthermore, remote access to restaurant data becomes much more manageable and feasible with cloud servers. Managers can evaluate such data by accessing them whenever they desire.

8. Linkage with Other Management Modules

The latest POS software can be connected with integral modules like purchase, accounting, CRM, etc. Therefore, efficient management becomes effortless. In summary, the benefits of using POS systems are manifold. They can serve as perfect alternatives to manual methods of sale as well as provide the necessary data and logistical support. Therefore, all expanding restaurants must consider opting for the inRestoPOS software to reap the ensuing profits and avoid unnecessary losses.

How Recipe Management Can Be Highly Profitable for You

A restaurateur should have one goal in mind (apart from popularity), and that is profitability. When a restaurant business owner has just started out, they begin to work hard towards impacting their customers’ taste buds and maximizing the restaurant’s brand value. However, in this pursuit, the profitability starts to take a hit. However, there are many ways to not only maintain the profits but also elevate them. One such way is to imbibe recipe management into your operations.

Recipe Management is simply a system that allows you to standardize recipes of your entire menu across outlets. Now, how does it affect your profitability? Let’s take a look:

1. More Foot Fall

Recipe Management, as mentioned earlier, enables you to standardize recipes across different outlets. It allows you to record the recipes and aid the cooking team to make dishes that taste the same, every. Single. Time.

This standardization of recipes, enables your loyal customers to walk in at any branch and enjoy their favourite meals, all the same. Additionally, many times, even though people know about your restaurant, they might avoid visiting if they’re living far away. Hence, once a new outlet is opened close to them, recipe management allows them to gorge in on the exact same dishes they heard about, without any taste differences! From there, it’s a piece of cake to convert them into loyal customers!

Secondly, food bloggers have started visiting different outlets from the same brand, to check if the taste is standardized across all branches. Food bloggers have a heavy influence upon the walk-ins that a restaurant witnesses. Hence, recipe management enables you to tap into a giant potential consumer-base. The more your restaurant’s foot falls, the higher will be your sales. Say hello to higher profits!

2. Different Chef, Yet Same Taste

We all know that even though your restaurant is open every single day, your team deserves holidays. Hiring new team members to take their place is quite rational. However, this leads to the stemming of a new problem: irregularity of taste. This problem can be tackled quite smoothly by applying a recipe management system. Even if the chefs are different, the recipe management system enables them to follow set recipes and create dishes that don’t differ in taste. This not only leads to the same taste of food every single day, it vastly affects the brand value of your restaurant in the minds of others.

3. Lower Food Costs

Recipe management enables the usage of food products in an optimal manner. Further, it also aids in logistics. Recipe management allows you to figure out exactly how much inventory you will need to suffice a week’s or a month’s worth of walk-ins. The inResto SCM will aid with recipe management efficiently and avoid wastage! Trying it first hand will give you much better insights into its value!

Further, food that is returned to the kitchen from unhappy customers also lowers in count, further lowering the costs and maximizing profits.

These 3 major benefits of integrating a recipe management system are hopefully proof enough that you must invest in one.

Key Tips for Restaurant Inventory Management

From the items in the daily menu to the overall supply chain, a huge range of tasks fall under inventory management when it comes to running a restaurant business. With the development of cloud kitchens and a constant trend of personalized ordering, any form of incumbent inventory management can lead to a disaster for a restaurant.

If you run a restaurant, you would, most definitely, be aware of how difficult it can be to maintain the inventory at times. Here are some pro tips to help ease your process.

1. Automate Your Process

There are scores of software available on the market for maintaining restaurant inventory, and they can reduce your tasks by a huge margin. There is also no room left for human error, and with constant real-time notifications, it is difficult to miss out on anything. You can either choose an all-in-one software that performs all tasks related to inventory management or choose specific tasks such as alert systems to automate.

2. Provide Staff Trainings

While introducing smart technology is a great management move, if your staff is not ready to handle it, then the situation can worsen. Make sure that your staff is trained properly and understands the functioning of the automation software.

3. Limited Access

Even if your organization is not large, horizontal access of data can result in chaos. Especially when it comes to inventory management, one should be allowed to access the data that caters to their needs. For example, the kitchen staff does not need to know about the supply chain data. Only you, as a manager, should have complete access to the inventory data.

4. Know Your Storage

Your inventory management is only as good as your storage management. Ensuring that the storage is full and never over or under filled is a task that all inventory managers must cater to. This will help in controlling wastage and in turn, decrease the loss of revenue due to improper storage.

5. Creating an Inventory Cycle

An inventory cycle is basically a method that allows you to have a streamlined view of your inventory. You begin the cycle with order placement, and end it before closing every day or every week (whatever timeline suits your organization scale). This helps ensure that you have a regular count of your inventory and know exactly when to place the next order.

You can use software to automate an inventory cycle, but for smaller restaurants, an in-person inventory count works fine as well. You will be able to manage your recipes in an easier way and also find new ways to innovate on your current structure.

Parting Note

Inventory management can be a huge process, depending on the scale of your operation and organization. But with the help of the right automation technology and training, any inventory can be maintained to provide optimum results. 

A well-managed inventory is a key to the growth of a business. It allows for taking care of any risks or turbulent business conditions. Furthermore, it allows the manager to be constantly aware of their business performance.

Use the tips above to manage your inventory and make sure to create an inventory cycle that caters to your storage scale.

Creating a Foolproof Plan for your Restaurant Business

Upon contemplating for years and years together, finally, you have finally found the courage to open up a new restaurant. However, if you don’t have a proper execution plan, your restaurant is set for failure. A detailed plan for your restaurant business is the roadmap towards success. It acts as a blueprint for development and as your checklist to guide future decisions. 

So, how do you devise a perfect restaurant business plan?

Detailed Pre-Planning

Before you start looking for restaurant spaces or wonder which way the entrance must be faced, you need to come up with a detailed executive plan. This step is skipped by most aspiring restaurateurs. Having a restaurant business plan, free from loopholes, gives you the confidence to further conceptualize your execution and enables clear communication of your vision with potential investors.

Market Analysis

Before moving further, the most important thing to do is analyze the market. You have to research the industry before you step foot in it. Along with that, a thorough analysis of your competition needs to be done, to make your restaurant stand out from the rest. List everything, no matter how small the information.


Planning the right menu is just as important as planning your logistics. Without it, you have nothing to offer. You may not have a final menu right away but you need to at least have a mock-up of it, for your business plan. You need to decide on how your menu would look, what to include and the pricing. Don’t forget to add a memorable logo!

Finance Analysis

The most crucial aspect of opening up your restaurant will be planning the finances. Here, hiring professional help could be a better option, as they can guide you through the necessary paperwork and the process.


With restaurants opening in every nook and corner, you need to ace your marketing. A lot of your customer flow depends upon how much of a hype you create about your restaurant. This hype can either be by word of mouth or through a compelling online presence. Hiring the right marketing agency will help you gain visibility on all social media platforms and lead to higher conversions.

Location, location, location!

The location you choose will directly resonate with your target audience, as it will determine your average walk-ins per day. You need to have at least a couple of potential locations in mind, which are thoroughly researched already. And for that, you need to ask the right questions:

  • Why this location?
  • Is it budget-friendly?
  • How will the growth graph look a year or two down the line?
  • Even if the cost is higher, will the ROI be just as high?


Employee recruitment is probably the most underrated aspect of this industry. Having a staff that is both, friendly and enthusiastic, fuels the brand-value of your restaurant. After the launch of your restaurant, the sustainability of profits and walk-ins depends majorly on your employee-customer interactions.

Restaurant Design

The tangibility of your concept would come to life through your restaurant design. You will be able to flaunt your ideas with a mock-up design and spark interest in potential investors to provide you with the financial support you need.

We hope these pointers have given you a fair amount of insight into all the aspects you must consider when creating a foolproof plan for your restaurant business.

FSSAI Requirements – Food Safety and Standards Act – Everything a Restaurateur Must Know

If you run a restaurant or a café, you will be aware of the FSSAI (Food Safety and Standard Authority of India). If you aren’t, the FSSAI rules the standardization of food in the hospitality industry. If you want to establish yourself in this industry, acquiring a license from the FSSAI is a must.

But what does the Food Safety and Standards Acts contain, and what are the rules that you need to abide by?

Below listed are the 12 primary guidelines set by FSSAI that must be followed by all food and beverage business owners-

  • Maintenance of cleanliness in the establishment and regular pest control.
  • Usage of hygienic and clean water in the preparation of foods and beverages.
  • All food must be thoroughly cooked. Hot items must be kept above 60 degrees and cold items below 5 degrees.
  • Frozen items should be kept below -18 degrees.
  • All vegetarian items and ingredients should be stored separately from non-vegetarian items.
  • Different sets of knives, chopping boards, and other utensils are to be used while preparing vegetarian and non-vegetarian items.
  • All personnel employed by the establishment must maintain basic hygiene and wear clean clothes.
  • All employees, including cooks, must wash their hands before and after handling food items or raw materials.
  • Any employee with a cut/wound must wear waterproof bandages.
  • No employee should cook or handle food items while under the effects of any diseases.
  • Cleaning material for tables and utensils should be separate.
  • All dustbins must be covered, and dry and wet waste should be separately collected.

Different Types of FSSAI Licenses

While the regulations mentioned above need to be followed by all establishments large and small, the license provided by FSSAI may vary along with the required fee. Below are the three  types of licenses provided by the FSSAI.

1. Central License

Criteria- Provided to establishments that earn over INR 20 crores annually. If your business requires international trading of any sort, you are required to acquire this license.

Validity- The validity of the Central License lies anywhere between 1 and 5 years.

Cost- The cost of the FSSAI central license is INR 7500 per year.

2. State License

Criteria- Establishments that earn more than INR 12 lakhs per annum but less than INR 20 crores are provided with the FSSAI state license. If your establishment runs in more than one state, this license will not be applicable.

Validity-,  The validity of state licence can be between 1 to 5 years.

Cost- The license costs anywhere between INR 2000 – 5000 per year

3. Basic Registration

Criteria- For businesses that earn less than 12 lakhs per year only require a basic registration with the FSSAI.

Validity- The basic registration is valid for a period of 1 to 5 years.

Cost- The cost of registration is INR 100 per year

Non-compliance with the guidelines of the FSSAI can result in penalties and fines for an establishment. Food safety is a highly important aspect of the F&B industry, and we ask all such establishments to follow these guidelines to their best capabilities.

Here’s a link to the FSSAI Website to get started-