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Why has SCM become an integral part of your Restaurant business?

  • Published on : 24/01/2017


2016 witnessed the movement of demonetization, where more and more people have now become tech friendly. Similarly the complex logistics of your restaurant business can be simplified with a reliable backend SCM software. Imagine a solution where you can manage your entire operations network at a single or multiple central kitchen level, warehouse or store, just a click away. Supply Chain Management for Restaurant helps to organize and co-ordinate diverse business functions such as administration, security control, accounting, profit-loss analysis and procurement. Thus with the changing trends in customer behavior and progressive advancement in technology, installing an SCM software will sooner or later become an integral part of your restaurant business in the following ways:


  • Admin access – A restaurant business typically requires a set of staff that includes stewards, managers to co-owners. Every personnel carries a responsibility and authority with whom the owner wishes to share information or confidential data according to their designation. With an SCM software at your disposal you get to control which personnel requires to know selected information and when to deny access to certain data.


  • Automated ordering – A Supply Chain Management system is a smart software that automates your daily business requirements in terms of goods, raw materials, ingredients and periodically calculates the amount of goods required for the next day. Thus your backend activities are taken care by your SCM with the help of a certain presets and data that are fed in the software, coordinating these processes simultaneously at every outlet/franchise.


  • Reports and analysis – One of the main advantages of installing an SCM software is that it eliminates the need of human interference while calculating and determining the performance of your restaurant in terms of sales, rush hours, festive occasions, growth home delivery etc. It draws comparison between your chain of outlets to understand how well your business is fairing in competition to other restaurants.


  • Inventory and logistics – Maintaining an inventory with its diverse components is as complicated as it gets. SCM helps you to organize the details of your goods, makes reports of the stock yet to be received by a vendor, wastage as well as keep a tab about the stock required at other outlets.


  • Production management – One of the challenges that a restaurant chain faces is to maintain a perfect balance of the same taste at every outlet/franchise. This can be overcome with a feature of the multi-level recipe management in the SCM software that maintains a record of the proportion of each ingredient for every recipe, without the leakage of information. This proves that SCM has revolutionized and will continue to bring dynamic changes in the way a restaurant business can be managed by hassle-free solutions.


  • Timely updates – As an authoritative restaurateur, you wish to know every forward and backward activity that goes on in your restaurant in your absence. SCM makes it easy for you by giving you every update regarding sales, accounts, stocks as well as the number of customers who visited in a day along with any feedback given by them. With demonetization being in the moment, customers prefer to check availability of tables on apps to avoid waiting in large queues during rush hours or weekends. This can be in your advantage as you get to manage your tables smoothly whereas your customer need not be disappointed with the unavailability of a table.

SCM is a boon for restaurateurs and hoteliers who wish to digitize their business and use the advantages and its valuable features to its full potential to maximize business at minimum cost.


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