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Revamped Torqus SmartOrder POS for the Users

With technology transforming every aspect of our lives, its effective use in business has proved to be successful across industries. When it comes to the F&B industry, smart restaurateurs are switching to restaurant management software with a view to digitise all the processes and doing away with traditional practises prone to human errors. However, the concern that is not paid enough attention to is whether the staff is really able to make the most of the software.

torqus POS new ui
We: Torqus – Smart Order, have changed our design to fit the needs of your restaurant’s front and backend activities. Our Smart Order POS software, perhaps most used today by the F&B businesses, has been revamped with complete focus on the User, and their experience.
In terms of the former, it is now possible to carry out the same operations in a much more simplified manner, thereby taking an increased number of orders in the same amount of time, increasing delivery speed, accuracy, and better customer service. In terms of the latter, the staff using the software has a seamless experience since the number of icons have been improvised/re-aligned cleverly by revamping the previous screen, the number of clicks required to perform a task have been reduced, and the navigation has been made much more simpler with little or no training required to use the software.

Any technology in use is certain to rouse emotional as well as intellectual response in its user. If the POS system currently functional is one that is difficult to comprehend, operating it is viewed by users as a task, makes your staff feel incompetent due to its complexity and leads them to get stuck every now and then while operating it and requiring assistance to get out of otherwise minor glitches.

It is time to switch to the all-new Smart Order POS software by Torqus. A happy staff results in better service, better service results in customer satisfaction, and this further results in increased sales.

Enhanced Usability with the all new Torqus SCM User Experience

Why do most businesses constantly experiment with new tools, market strategies, products and offerings, etc.? Is it because they have a personal interest in a particular innovation or is it because they have monies to blow? Every single penny spent is a calculated move in order to achieve a much higher return on investment.

torqus new scm ui and ux
Therefore, when restaurateurs spend on a restaurant management software, the primary intention is to get a bang for their buck, simplify processes, and increase profits. However, if the user does not understand the technology or how to make the most of it, the purpose is somewhere lost.

The Torqus Solution has transformed restaurant management and is the smartest choice for F&B businesses. The Supply Chain Management software with its all-new UI/UX has been designed to enhance usability and to tip the scales. The process of purchase, production, procurement, and co-ordination with suppliers has been made much simpler by organising the flow of performing tasks and easy navigation.

The Head Office Module which is a part of this offering can now be easily operated at the tip of the users’ fingers not matter which part of the country your restaurant is located in. The best part about this revamped interface is that it requires little or no training prior to use.

The business value of user experience is so colossal that it cannot be ignored. If the users of technology underestimate its potential or overestimate its complexity, the result could be a highly missed opportunity which would be the result of longer time taken to complete backend processes which would affect front-end activities, miscommunication, lack of integration, and incompetency.

The lives of those who rely on a software to reduce errors prone to human operations must be made simpler by switching to Torqus with its breakthrough technology and simplicity of use, helping you achieve a high return on investment.

How to Reduce labour cost in Restaurants

Restaurant owners and managers always look for ways to keep a tab on expenses on one hand, while patrons try to save as much as possible at every visit on the other hand. Although an ideal scenario would be a balance between the two, in actuality it is not the case.

torqus time management
For small and medium restaurant businesses, employee time theft is a major problem. The workforce is present for an hourly basis. Time theft manifests itself into multiple forms such as cheating the system while accounting for time in and time out, faking hours one has worked for in order to qualify for overtime, taking longer breaks than permitted, getting a colleague to punch in, manipulating the authorities, etc. This, in turn, leads to increasing labour costs and decreasing productivity, thereby affecting your margins and revenues.

A good way to counter this problem could be to integrate employee management system within the restaurant management software, excellent in tracking and controlling time theft and many more related issues – all on a single platform.

Another problem is that of overstaffing, which is often faced by new businesses. An incorrect projection of the scope and volume of services required could lead to this. Although it is better than understaffing which significantly affects customer satisfaction, it can highly affect your bottom line and margins. Also, the human factor leads to many disasters which can cost a fortune.

employee attendance system
Effective service results when processes such as order taking are digitised, and that can be achieved by installing a good and easy to use restaurant management system. Employees then can focus on higher value tasks such as brand reputation management (online & offline), running quality checks, managing customer flow, etc.

The happier your staff is, the better the service, and therefore, the happier the guest. Employees will always continue to be a vital part of your business and the introduction of a restaurant management software will only make their lives easier.

How to Price Dishes on Your Restaurant Menu Effectively

The biggest factor that can completely make or break your restaurant business is how the items on the menu are priced. Regardless of the business type you run, be it a restaurant, a bar, a bakery, a café, etc., product pricing is of utmost importance. Customers are happiest when they are charged reasonably and restaurateurs are happiest when they are making a good profit.

The main challenge that lies in successful restaurant management is to strike a balance between customer satisfaction and lucrative business

While calculating the selling price of an item, you must not only account for its ingredients but a lot more.

Below are some of the ways of effectively pricing the items on the menu:

• Include prices of raw ingredients

• Include VAT

• Calculate profit per portion served

• Create combos for selling more and earn higher margins

• Profits on alcoholic drinks are highly variable. Capitalise on that by having exciting offers

• Ensure the dishes and glasses are the same size and serve the right volume

• Calculate the price of the best-sellers carefully. The scope for earning a high margin is more since the procurement of ingredients and preparation of the specialities will be on the higher side

• Keep a buffer to protect your numbers against common problems that amount for a drip loss, such as wastage, expiration of ingredients or raw materials, etc.

The best way to offset this loss from accruing is by relying on a restaurant management system that notifies you regarding these concerns and gives you enough time to act on remedial measures

• Account for cooling, storage, cutting, heating, cleaning, heat treatments such as baking, frying, etc.

• Keep your portion size in control by using measuring cups, scales, etc.

• Try and make changes to menu items and not prices

By considering the aforementioned factors, you can price your restaurant menu most effectively make your business more profitable and customers happier.