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3 Simple Steps That Play A Huge Role in Getting You Online Reviews!

We live in a world where almost everyone uses the internet to share experiences and information, a good review can boost your sales dramatically.  As a matter of fact, over 80% of all people who will visit your establishment will have looked up what you have to offer online; before stepping foot inside.

An online presence on its own isn’t enough for your business to thrive. Good reviews from your clientele is equally important to survive and excel in today’s market.

Here’s how your wait staff can help you get more reviews:

You Must Ask

Let us tell you off the bat that the easiest way to get more reviews is simply by asking! Every customer understands the fact that reviews are very important to your business. As long as you provide excellent service and they have a good time, your customers won’t ever be annoyed if you ask them for a review.

If, however, you take reviews online, a simple “Hey Jack! I hope you had a great time tonight. Please consider leaving us a review on insert-website-name! It will help us improve your experience” will be perfect.

Rather than paying bloggers and influencers to put in a good word for you online, you must encourage your happy customers to review you online too.

Your staff are your brand ambassadors

You must remember that your employees are your biggest assets, not your four walls. Encouraging them to have a direct involvement in the success of your restaurant will create a sense of belonging, as well as help you in the long run.

Train them in a way that they are comfortable in having personal interactions with your customers. A lot of your wait staff have the ability to build an instant rapport with your customers, that is actually a very good thing.

If your customers feel at home, it will be very easy for you to get better and genuine reviews online. Having excellent rapport with your staff will pave the way; for if they feel at home, they will make your guests feel comfortable!

Have regular staff meetings, listen to your employees and be open to new ideas. Always look at the bigger picture!

Flaunt Your Reviews on Social Media

Incentivising diners to leave reviews is often associated with bribery and that’s definitely not the way to get authentic online reviews. But if you promote reviews left by diners on your social platforms, they’ll be happy to get recognition and other customers would also be incentivized to do the same.

Reposting images taken by diners is a great way of showcasing your dishes. It also ensures that your potential customers know how happy your loyal clientele is and how good your food is.

The most valued partnership in any business is between the boss and the employees. It is the same for your restaurant. You need to make your staff feel at home and train them how to deal and interact with customers properly.

If your employees feel a connect – a vibe, if you believe, will, in turn, connect better with your customers and help you get better reviews and recommendations.