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Why Your Restaurant Needs a Feedback Management Software Right Now!

We are going through times where restaurants are battling with cutthroat competition. A function that is generally neglected but helps you gain a clear advantage over competitors is customer feedback. As per, in recent survey 43% of the respondents stated that they don’t complain/leave feedback because they don’t think that the business cares. Of the same group, 81% said they would be willing to leave feedback if they knew they would get a fast response.

Customer feedback aids you in understanding the pulse of customers, adopt corrective measures and improve your service levels significantly.

What is a Feedback management software?

A feedback management software is a system that helps you capture feedback from customers, organise and analyse the findings from the feedback. Here are 7 key benefits of Feedback management software

Personalise your feedback form

The legacy customer feedback software lacked the feature to personalise the feedback form. You won’t get the desired results unless you personalise the feedback questions. Digital restaurant management System such as inresto Feedback lets you customise the feedback form.

Based on your priority, the parameters can vary from food, service or the overall dining experience. As soon as the diner completes filling up the feedback form, you will be alerted via both E-mail and SMS.

Increases customer retention rates

Its always easy to boost your profits by focussing on the existing customers. A survey by Invesp shows that increasing customer retention rates by 5% increases profits by 25-95%.  An effective technique for customer retention is to implement the valuable suggestions provided by your diners. Such measures enhances their loyalty and prompts them to make repeated visits at your restaurant.

Facilitates instant grievance redressal

With quick digitised alerts, the software helps you take corrective measures immediately. When you resolve the customer complaints in no time, diners will feel more valued. You can also offer special discounts to those diners who have raised grievances. 

References from existing customers

Before visiting a new restaurant, it’s quite natural for customers to check with their friends or relatives for reviews. It adds to the credibility when an existing customer refers your restaurant to their acquaintances. Once the feedback is captured from the customer, apps such as inresto redirects the customer to share reference details. 

Smart insights to identify gaps

When you collect feedback using paper-based feedback forms, reaching a conclusion is quite difficult. The feedback management software provides valuable insights to identify your shortcomings. For eg. if majority of the customers point out that the pizza is overcooked, the platform will notify you on the same. It gives an opportunity to have a discussion with the chef and take corrective measures. By implementing the software, you can say goodbye to the legacy paper-based feedback forms.

Measure customer satisfaction

Evaluate customer satisfaction with the help of feedback management software. There is a strong linkage between customer satisfaction and sales. Assume that majority of customers have rated your restaurant as average on customer satisfaction. It’s a clear indication that you need to dig deep and find out the various reasons that caused the disgruntlement. Work on your weak areas, make the necessary improvements and check the customer satisfaction scores after a month. It will help you understand where you stand in terms of customer expectations.  

Helps in strategic decision making

In an industry that is running on wafer-thin margins, you need to have sufficient data in hand to take strategic decisions. You might want to shed those dishes that have received negative feedback from the diners. The software comes to your aid in finding out the dishes that have earned the best reviews and the ones which have fared poorly. Another major decision may be to add a new type of cuisine to your restaurant menu. When you have valid data to support your decisions, you can go ahead with confidence. 

Parting Words

In today’s highly competitive business environment, customer feedback can make or break your restaurant. A robust feedback management software has become an imperative as you cannot afford to lag behind the competitors. The 7 benefits discussed above make it worth investing in a feedback management software and increase customer loyalty. 


Importance of Point of Sale Software for Any Restaurant

In the present era, technology plays an integral role in management of restaurants. With the advent of Point of Sale Software (POS), restaurants has increased their efficiency and levels of customer satisfaction significantly.

What is a Restaurant Point of Sale Software?

A restaurant POS software processes the day-to-day transactions that happen in your restaurant. The beauty of the platform is that it manages multiple functions such as billing, reservations, inventory management, marketing and a lot of other functions. Here are 7 key advantages of Restaurant POS.

Accepts orders from multiple platforms

In the post-Covid world, customers have become more safety conscious. They prefer to order food online rather than visiting restaurants. As per the report by ORB Media, in UK people who opt for food delivery from restaurants has increased by 19 percent over 2019. Of these 10 percent use third party delivery service. The POS systems help you seamlessly process orders from multiple sources such as third party aggregators, websites and apps. Track all the orders in a single platform with no scope for chaos and customer complaints.

No more long queues at the billing counter

The software processes billing transactions quickly causing no delays. Unlike the legacy systems, the system is automated and it cuts down the manual labour. It also eliminates chances of misappropriation of funds. With the outbreak of Covid-19 there has been a rise in customers opting for digital payments. The POS system accepts multiple modes of payments such as cash, debit card/ credit card, digital payments, etc.  

Eliminates overstocking and under-stocking of inventory

When you run short of food items, it’s quite embarrassing to face a disappointed customer. At the same time, you cannot afford to overstock inventory as it leads to dead investment. With inresto POS, you don’t have to deal with these nagging problems anymore. The inventory status is updated automatically and the software alerts you with timely notifications on minimum threshold quantities. You can also monitor the stock status live from any location, anytime. All your supplies and raw material are quite secure, and there is absolutely no scope for theft. It also aids in optimum use of kitchen resources, cuts down overall grocery requirement and minimises wastage and pilferage

Offer valuable insights on sales

The sales at your restaurant may fluctuate depending on the seasons, holidays, etc. The POS platform offers valuable insights such as which are the fast moving dishes on your menu and those that are slow-moving. If customers are ready to pay more, you can charge higher prices for the fast-moving items. The system also lets you pull weekly and quarterly sales reports.

Run marketing campaigns

Platforms such as inresto lets you identify your target audience and run marketing campaigns. The communication channel can be SMS, E-mail, or push based on your preference. Automate the marketing campaigns and schedule them based on intelligent information. The effectiveness of the marketing campaign can be assessed and amendments can be made accordingly.

Evaluate employee performance

Employees are the heart and soul of any restaurant. There are several parameters for employee evaluation such as the time taken for a waiter to serve food at the table, how they handle the traffic during peak times, etc. The valuable insights provided by POS software help you assess the performance of employees. Educate employees and deliver training sessions in areas where they need improvement.

Customise loyalty programs

A major advantage is that you can customise your loyalty programs based on your customer retention goals. Reward customers either based on the number of visits or amount spend at your restaurant. Each time customers earn loyalty points, you can notify them so that they make repeated visits at your restaurant. The feature of report generation lets you identify regular customers. Extend special offers to regular visitors so that it boost sales at your restaurant in the long run.      

Parting Words:

You can no longer afford to manage restaurant operations using legacy manual systems. Customers have become more demanding and their expectations have gone up. The restaurant POS platforms no doubt help you gain an upper hand by providing exceptional customer service and cutting down unnecessary expenses.