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Online Ordering, What Happens if I Don’t Offer It?

Earlier, the food delivery market was almost non-existent. Only a few vendors used to offer delivery of food to the doorstep and that too through call. This delivery service was managed in a haphazard way and only increased issues for the vendor.

However, today, we live in a technology-driven era. You can order food any time through a mobile app and get it delivered in a matter of 30 minutes. Almost every small or big restaurant or food vendor has an online presence.

When you decide to go online, your online visibility increases. You have an opportunity to grab new customers and improve customer satisfaction. If you don’t offer it, you are less preferred by customers.

Here are the reasons why online food ordering is the ultimate go-to option for restaurants:

Extended Outreach

When you offer online food ordering, you increase your outreach by increasing your target audience.
This is due to the fact that customers don’t go out frequently and sometimes, they don’t visit because of the distance. But, that doesn’t mean that your customers won’t order food at home. Online ordering is simple, approachable, and affordable, which is why many people order in more than they go out.

Better Customer Experience

Since online food ordering is a click away, you are automatically improving the experience of your users with your brand. They don’t even have to get up to order food. All your users have to do is pick up their phone, select the items from the menu, and order food in a few minutes.

Restaurants can improve this experience by delivering food as fast as possible. Did you know that some restaurants create a specific food delivery kitchen to offer faster home food deliveries to online customers?

Easy Services

One of the biggest reasons is that it is simply easier for users as well as the restaurant. When people order food online, they don’t have to walk out of their comfort zone. And for the restaurant, they don’t have to utilize extra staff to manage and handle the customer. You just need the chef to prepare and pack the food. Then, you can send it to the customer without much hassle.

All-Time Delivery

All-time delivery is the biggest advantage of online food delivery services. You don’t have to ask all your staff members to stay back. You need the chef and the delivery person to be there. You would be making the same amount of money with the online delivery option as well.
In fact, this option can increase your customer base as you would be easily noticeable to late-eaters.

Customer Data Gathering

Above all, you can gather data relevant to your users and customize menus. This data can be collaborated with the restaurant data to create customized offers for customers. You can even evaluate your favourite cuisines and launch new ones with this cuisine for faster selling.


If you are not offering online food ordering, you are simply letting by all these opportunities and benefits. You won’t be able to improve your brand name, increase customer base, or offer valuable customer experience. Hence, leave behind all the doubts and start online food ordering now. If you want help, visit Torqus for restaurant management software. You can find more details on our website.

How Cloud-Based Services Can Enhance Your Restaurant POS?

Running and handling a restaurant is no cake-walk. You can’t just sit back while your staff struggles with orders, payments, and transactions. Every day-to-day task, from delivering the order to the customer on time to correctly carrying out POS transactions, is hectic. And when you completely rely on manual processes, errors seep into the system and spoil the overall experience.

Here’s how a POS system can solve all your worries, help you streamline point-of-sale, and eliminate manual errors.

Enhanced Experience

A cloud-based system is powered with a lot of data. Every time, a customer walks in your door, they leave behind data.

A cloud-based POS allows you to utilize this data to your advantage. You can understand the buying patterns, foot fall, and sales of a particular day or month. Using this information, you can provide a personalized experience to your customers such as preparing a combo offer of common cuisines.

There is simply so much you can do with this data!

There are additional features such as transaction history, data monitoring, inventory tracking, sales tracking, and employee scheduling. The information achieved from all these features empowers you to deliver enhanced customer as well as employee experience.

Reduced Risks

What would do if you lose all this data?

That would pose such a big risk in front of your organization. How would you handle the situation?
Don’t worry! A cloud-based POS won’t lose data. The cloud provider would ensure redundancy of data for backup in case of failure. Even if the system fails, the provider would upload data from backup and system would start running in no time. You won’t have to make the customers wait.

Reduced Costs

When your restaurant experiences wrong POS transactions, your business suffers a lot due to monetary loss. With a cloud-based system, you can reduce the costs incurred on these processes and mistakes. There would be no costly POS transactions, everything would be clearly recorded, and you would have precise data with you all the time.

Further, this would also reduce your need for labor as the POS transactions would be automated. You won’t need additional manpower for effective management and working of POS. Your cloud POS will automatically streamline tasks.

High Security

A cloud-based POS management system has a high-security structure. Since everything is online, the vendor goes to an extra length to ensure that no data is leaked or breached from the system at any cost.

Even when you are on a public cloud, your data remains safe on the network. Your provider would regularly scan the system for a data breach or security attack.

Real-time Access

One of the biggest benefits of the cloud-based POS system is the ability to access data in real-time. You don’t have to go to the restaurant to know what is going on. You can check and monitor the POS activities in real-time from any corner of the world. Even when it is 2 AM in the night.

The anytime availability of the system also helps the manager to track employee mistakes and fraud transactions earlier than anticipated.

Cloud-Based POS for Enhance Restaurant Management

Implementing a cloud-based POS for your restaurant management offers value and efficiency to your restaurant. You can streamline orders, transactions, and bills of the customers. With this, you can also reduce the time wastage when things go bad.

Utilize a cloud-based POS like Torqus and streamline your functioning. Visit our website now for more details.

inResto Loyalty Management now at Zero cost to Restaurants in India!

[av_heading tag=’h2′ padding=’10’ heading=’inResto Loyalty Management now at Zero cost to Restaurants in India!’ color=” style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”][/av_heading]

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It has been one of the most challenging times for the restaurant and food technology industry over the past few days, with some big steps taken by many other platforms with regards to the #Logout campaign. Our meeting with the NRAI, other associations and leading restaurant owners was a very positive and insightful one. The key pain point highlighted by most restaurateurs was that of “deep discounting”. Dineout as a wholesome platform was recognized for our “restaurant first approach” and as a trusted partner for all our B2C and B2B offerings by both NRAI and our restaurant partners. We’ve always believed in a win-win situation for our restaurant partners and after reflecting on the issues highlighted by restaurants in the last few days, we concluded that providing them with technology tools has become more important than ever with the changing dynamics of the industry and the high overhead costs of running a restaurant. 

At inResto, our core services revolve around simplifying a restaurateurs management and operation of business so they can concentrate on their most important asset – food! 

We’re not just a SaaS platform, we’re your partners first. And that differentiates us from the rest as we are on a mission to make every restaurant tech-enabled not just in India, but globally with inResto by helping restaurants manage their back end operations through POS, Supply Chain Management, Table Management, Feedback Management, Loyalty Management, and much more! We have been the biggest advocates of this mission for the last 5 years and have been continuously educating restaurants across the country with more than 8000 partners using our technology modules. In the world of digitization, having an automated, hassle-free and time efficient technology that will help restaurants manage their operations smoother than ever before and thereby provide a seamless experience to diners. 

So, we believe it is only fair that we share this exciting update with you first-hand.

We’re bringing in a new era in the restaurant industry by launching our inResto Loyalty Management module at ZERO cost to all eager restaurants in India effective immediately! With this a new age cloud-based SaaS platform restaurants will now be able to build customized loyalty programs for their diners, from identifying to rewarding loyal diners and communicating with them directly to build a long term relationship. We will empower restaurants to create customized rewarding experiences for all their diners! All of this at no additional cost. Exciting, right?

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[av_heading heading=’How can inResto Loyalty Management help Restaurants?’ tag=’h3′ style=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=” admin_preview_bg=”][/av_heading]

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Behaviour that is followed by pleasant consequences is likely to be repeated so when restaurants reward diners in exchange for their loyalty, it only influences them to continue engaging and returning more frequently. inResto loyalty will help you, as a restaurant, convert your new customers to regular customers and grow their repeat business through loyalty programs. Here’s how:

  • Capture your diner data – from walkins to reservations to orders, all details, transaction history and preferences on one platform!
  • Create your own campaign – Design engagement campaigns based on spend, visits, repeat purchases, etc.
  • Customisation is key – An elaborate loyalty program which can be customized on various parameters to give your diners a personalized experience.
  • Retain diners – Identify non-returning customers and launch marketing campaigns to attract them back to your restaurant to concentrate on long-term sustainability
  • Reward diners – Recognize VIP customers and build reward points based on their visits or amount they spend at your restaurant
  • Track Performance – Get detailed analysis on the performance of your campaigns to understand effectiveness and use them to build future ones
  • Stay Connected – Communicate one-on-one with your diners regularly through emails, sms, and more. Give them special offers or rewards on their special occasions and become a part of their life! 


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Types of Loyalty Programs to choose from:

Loyalty programs are designed in a manner that you can reward your diners when they visit your restaurant frequently, spend more or purchase their regular orders repeatedly. Cater to the diners need for instant gratification by rewarding them during their visits, encouraging them to become loyalists of your brand.

  • Spend based – Reward points based on diners spending behavior
  • Visit based – Reward points based on diners repeat visit behavior
  • Punch card based – Reward points based on repeat purchase and visit behavior

Loyalty Tiers:

Point based programs can be designed around multiple tiers wherein diners will be able to unlock higher rewards by progressing through different tiers. This enables rewarding of initial loyalty and encourages more visits and purchases.

                                                       Bronze Tier | Silver Tier | Gold Tier

[av_heading tag=’h3′ padding=’10’ heading=’Key Results of inResto Loyalty Management at some partner restaurants:’ color=” style=” custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”][/av_heading]

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  • 35% Walkout Reduction at one of the largest breweries in Bengaluru, India
  • 42% Increased Customer Engagement (on avg. across inresto outlets) whilst waiting for service 
  • 20% Increase in returning customers at a major barbeque chain in India, through the inResto spend based loyalty program


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Our Journey with inResto is Pretty Matured,  they have always been responsive to any questions I have & they understand who we are and what we are trying to do.

inResto has impacted our Business positively in reaching out to our regular Guests and their Reservation platform is user-friendly & seamless.

The newer Features that they have been working off late would bring in welcome changes to retain our Guests is my firm belief.


[av_heading tag=’h3′ padding=’10’ heading=’Are you as excited as we are? Here’s how you can get inResto Loyalty for Free:’ color=” style=” custom_font=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=”][/av_heading]

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Simply request a demo to register for this module for free and our team shall get back on how to activate the same at your restaurant outlets. 

Our promise to you is that we shall ensure that every staff member at your restaurant is well-trained and understands the purpose of this platform. As a successful, tech-enabled restaurant, you will now be able to know your customers, understand them better and communicate with them one-on-one which is extremely important in today’s digital age.

Our CEO, co-founder and energy powerhouse Ankit Mehrotra, has a message for you: 

“It’s an evolving time for Dineout and the restaurant industry as a whole. While we have never been a platform encouraging “deep discounting”, we have always had a “restaurant first approach” and encourage restaurants to #LogIn with Technology. With our technology support we are here to stay in this industry for the long run, and it will not be possible without the support we continue to receive from all our restaurant partners and diners. Together we can bring in a new era and take the restaurant industry forward with the help of technology, discovery, reservations and payments.”

The president of NRAI, Mr. Rahul Singh has also commented on our #GivebacktoRestaurants initiative, “We thank Dineout for their recent move to extend their inResto Loyalty Management tool, as a free offering to all restaurants & empower us to connect with our diners directly. We are working with Dineout to create more tech products for the industry and encourage restaurants to embrace Dineout powered reservations and transactions.” said Rahul Singh, president of NRAI.

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