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Why you need to have an automatic KOT printing system

If you are a restaurateur then you definitely know how messy busy days can get, both on the floor and in the kitchen. And God forbid you have a customer served a wrong dish! Not only will you have a very angry and vocal customer, but you will also have servers and chefs breaking their workflow to right the wrong, and inevitably the entire process gets slowed down.

Further, an automatic KOT printing system also enables you to employ software that is precise and error-free. The Kitchen Order Ticket is a virtual means of saving order and communicating it to the kitchen staff. It is not only helpful in terms of getting the order right, but it also speeds up the entire process. You simply install the system, let orders be taken through a POS system, and the correct order along with all necessary details is directly sent to the kitchen. With a KOT you can streamline the process, avoid miscommunication, and speed up your service provision.

Restaurant managers worldwide are upgrading to KOT printing systems, and here are 5 reasons that will make you want to upgrade your ordering system today!

1. Higher Efficiency, Better Time & Resource Management

This is one of the primary reasons why restaurants use the KOT system. Since the order is taken through a digital menu and the corresponding ticket is automatically printed in the kitchen, the person taking the order does not have to visit the kitchen and relay the order. Actually, they will have to do nothing but take the order, the rest of the process will be automated.

So, on a busy weekend night, the table staff won’t have to run across the floor in order to have the kitchen informed about every single order. This saves a huge amount of time. And furthermore, it allows for quick changes to the order. Both the kitchen and the table staff will also be at ease since they will now have more time on their hands. With almost no managerial help and a bit of technology, you will have removed one of the primary difficulties of your restaurant process, managing a full house.

2. Integration with Virtual Kitchen Apps

Most restaurants double as virtual kitchens because this is indeed a huge market to profit off. Once again the KOT system will allow for orders placed at a certain restaurant to be directly relayed to the kitchen staff instead of someone having to read the order manually and ensure it is prepared. Getting your virtual kitchen orders right is extremely important as this might become one of the primary sources of income for your restaurant business.

The tickets will also carry the order number and other specifications, so there are very minimal chances of the wrong order being delivered. Furthermore, KOT systems can be integrated into both private restaurant apps and third-party apps linked using inresto suite, so you have the maximum accessibility factor covered. The kitchen order ticket system is truly useful for any restaurant that aims to modernize its approach and streamline its process.

3. No Room for Error

As soon as you reduce the amount of manual labour required in a process the chances of error are automatically lowered. On a busy day, it is but common for table staff to mix up the orders or have the wrong food delivered. But with a KOT system in place, this can never happen, and you can finally say goodbye to angry customers shouting at you on a Saturday night!

Since the orders are sent directly to the kitchen along with the table/order number and all other details, there are almost no chances of an error. By making sure that the staff does not feel overburdened with information the chances of error are further reduced. You get to finally enjoy a perfect system and reduce your managerial burden as well.

4. Easy to Use

There is almost no technical training required when upgrading your process with a KOT system. The table staff will simply have to punch in the order in a tab and it will be automatically sent to the kitchen through inresto DineIn. It can also integrate any specific instructions and other necessary details. 

The orders are made easy to follow up by both the kitchen and table staff, and the process becomes smoother. Automation exists to bridge the gaps in our business processes, and the KOT is the perfect automation system for any restaurateur.

5. Low Investment – High Returns

A KOT system requires hardly any budget but on the other hand, it allows the manager to gain an analytical advantage of the number of orders coming in at any point. This means a real-time understanding of the ROI can be gained.

This singular investment can end up saving you a lot of money. You won’t be required to hire new staff to meet the rising number of order, and you will also be able to get a bird’s eye view on your process at any point in time. 

Upgrade your process with a KOT printing system today

By now it should be abundantly clear that a kitchen order ticket printing system will benefit a restaurant on multiple fronts. So, whether you are a virtual kitchen, a traditional restaurant, or both, find yourself a KOT system that helps minimize the labour required within your POS.

The use of automation is changing the way we view business processes. When it comes to the restaurant industry, various automated systems can help you achieve a smoother workflow and better customer management. The Kitchen Order Ticket system is one of the key components of developing your restaurant process to the next level.

Enter into the tech era of the food industry and reap its benefits to the fullest!

Six Things Every New Restaurant Manager Needs to Know

Restaurant management is like driving any other complex business. Each spoke of the wheel – from staff, menu, inventory, and hospitality to customers, locations, delivery, marketing, budget, and expansion – must be lubricated so that your restaurant runs like a smooth Rolls Royce, earning both revenue and renown. 

What about your responsibilities as a restaurant manager? As the head of your restaurant (or a chain), you must practice what you preach. Your attitude regarding your position and duties will influence every aspect of your business. This includes the quality and variety of food items, the ambience, the receptivity shown by your employees, the profit you generate, and the promotions you organize.

As a restaurant manager, you need to face multiple managerial tasks as well as ensure your personal growth. Besides, you must keep abreast of various innovations in the worldwide restaurant industry, to use them to your benefit when the time is right. Here are some of the best tips for aspiring restaurant managers.

1. Proactive Management 

Your foremost responsibility is to be active in every aspect of management. After meticulously chalking out your staff recruitment goals, you must cater to the needs of your restaurant employees and seek ways to boost their morale. 

In addition, based on your overall operational knowledge, you must standardize menu updates, organize promotional campaigns, optimize your inventory use, and regularly conduct data analysis regarding consumer trends (for improved marketing strategies). 

2. Restaurant Management Software

Completing all these tasks single-handedly can be daunting, and you might make unfortunate errors. Therefore, planned investment in technology will help you streamline the above processes. In our digital era, software developers have created fantastic restaurant management software that will ease your burden. 

Software that handles Supply Chain Management makes each aspect of your restaurant business hassle-free. From staff, operations, and inventory optimization to enhanced marketing strategies based on regular real-time industry data (and trends), a management system software ensures error-free management for your entire business. Invest in the most suitable software, sit back, and say cheese!

3. Consistency

In matters of communication, regulations, and expectations, your consistency makes you reliable in the eyes of your employees, especially in stressful situations. Ensure proper planning and management and stick with the level of efficiency. This will enable customers to realize the consistency in quality that your restaurant provides. 

4. Staff retention

Careful recruitment and staff satisfaction ensure staff retention, which directly improves customer experience, increase customer retention, and attracts new customers. Make sure that your employees realize the impact of cordiality and decency on positive customer experiences and brand outreach.

5. Customer Satisfaction

In addition to staff retention, cleanliness, positive ambiance, food hygiene and quality, variety in menus, affordability of prices, the pace of service etc. all contribute to improved customer experiences. Take care of these aspects, and you have got a thriving restaurant!

6. Apprenticeship 

Furthermore, you should gather the knowledge and opinions of industry experts, both online platforms and in person. They will tell you that both online (social media pages where you regularly post promotional content) and offline (word-of-mouth; excellent service to and behaviour towards customers) advertising is instrumental to business expansion. Such data must be gathered in real-time and updated consistently. 

In summary, the above points are crucial to your success as a restaurant manager. Look after your health, avoid being overburdened, choose technological aid, and make informed decisions based on thoroughly analyzed market data. Good luck with your restaurant!

How Restaurant Metrics Screen Can Ensure Quality

Over the past few years, with a rise in the growth rate of restaurants and cafes, the demand for Order Display Screens too has reached its peak!

You don’t need a huge kitchen or be a quick-service restaurant to reap benefits from these Restaurant Metrics Screens. As a matter of fact, restaurants and cafes of all shapes and sizes can gain value from incorporating these screens in their business.

In this piece, we will be talking about restaurant metric screens and how they benefit you and your customers.

What is a Restaurant Metrics Screen?

Restaurant Metrics Screen (RMS) is a technology that can take in the heat of your kitchen! it gives customers a tentative time with regards to how long their food will take to be prepared.

With this advanced technology in your restaurant, you help your customers in making an informed decision about whether or not they have the time to dine-in.

Benefits of Using Restaurant Metrics Screen

1. From a Customer Standpoint

  • Reduced waiting time

One of the major benefits of this screen is it helps restaurants to improve their effectiveness. It also lets them make their service as quick as possible, which in turn lowers the wait time of customers.

  • Customers can make informed decisions

Since these systems let the guests know about how long it will take for them to receive their meal, it speeds up their decision-making process.

  • Improved Customer Experience

When the food is prepared and served in time, it does help you build your restaurant’s reputation. On the other hand, it entices your guests to opt for a full-service experience as compared to those grab-and-go options.

  • Complete transparency

Restaurant Metrics Screens record the time required to prepare each meal and displays the information on the screen for your guests. By doing so, it maintains complete transparency and lets customers make a decision before they enter the restaurant.

2. From a Restaurant Standpoint

  • Improves Kitchen Efficiency

Certain restaurant metrics screens let you route tickets directly to a particular prep station. They also offer a color-coding option for tickets so that you can change it if the order hasn’t been fulfilled in time. This way, you keep your team accountable and improve your kitchen’s efficiency.

  • Tracks Fulfilment Times

RMS tracks the time taken by your staff to fulfil each order and offers an array of reports. This includes the average fulfillment times and areas that must be worked upon. With these reports, you can streamline the process and improve other operations.

  • Adds to Restaurant Credibility

When customers are informed about the prep time beforehand, it helps build trust and faith in your product. They even understand that you’re working by prioritizing their time.

With order display screens gaining popularity, it’s time for restaurants to install the system in their kitchen. This simple addition can improve productivity along with your bottom line!

Why AI will drive the future of the Restaurant industry?

We all remember the time when television started showcasing advertisements and almost every industry was revolutionized by this. It was a time when people wanted to include television advertisements in their marketing and advertising budgets because they knew it could drive sales through the roof.

AI has had a somewhat similar impact on businesses today. We have all noted the use of artificial intelligence in industrial applications, digital applications, and now, it has started revolutionizing the hospitality industry, specifically the restaurant industry. But why is this sudden shift towards AI taking place? Let’s take a look.

Any restaurateur would want to minimize costs, in turn maximizing profits. AI helps these business owners do just that and much more. Here’s a quick list of the benefits of AI integration in your restaurant business.

1. Reduced Cost of Labor

AI has enabled automation of many tasks with the help of machines, which has lowered the requirement for human staff. This has enabled restaurateurs to save more money in the long term. 

2. Higher Customer Satisfaction

Consistent customer experience is a common vision in the restaurant industry. Hiring AI-based machines tend to eliminate many man-made errors, aiding the customer to experience the same taste, same atmosphere, and the same quality of service every time they visit.

3. Efficient Utilization of Personnel Strengths

With artificial intelligence-based robots capable of doing monotonous tasks, the personnel hired within the restaurant can now contribute further into the betterment of customer experience and making sure that the place is run seamlessly. This enables managers to not only manage operations efficiently but also lifts the spirits of personnel as they are not stuck doing meaningless but necessary tasks.

Let’s now look at different ways artificial intelligence can be implemented into your restaurant business:

1. Chatbots

Restaurants have started installing virtual assistants to manage the reservations. Additionally, it takes care of the whole ordering system where it takes the order and manages the whole order process. Also, it is equipped with a facility to answer all the customer queries that may arise during their visit to the restaurant. 

These bots give a real-time experience to the customers. The customer never feels like they are unattended. If the same trend continues, then chatbots can bring a new revolution in the restaurant business.

2. Robots

We have seen a number of restaurants with AI robots used for different functionalities. Like preparing food, delivering tasty meals, cleaning tables, washing utensils, and even collecting bills. In such cases, the listed instructions and assigned delivery time assist robots to be quick and efficient in their work.

Dominos has been successful in their stint of using AI-based robotic delivery in Europe.

3. Ordering Kiosk

Customers are always looking to reduce their wait time when they are at the restaurant. AI-driven kiosks help them to deliver the order directly to the kitchen.

In order to reduce the waiting period for the customers, restaurants may adopt a change where they keep some recipes ready on the basis of data they collect at the kiosks. The restaurant may be benefited from the data analysis as it may help them to know which food item is delivered the most.

4. Preferred Engines

Based on the meal preference, AI-driven machines like Inventory Management software can help you select the best dishes available in the restaurant. This might help you select the dish of your preference and taste.

5. Mobile Apps

If your restaurant has a mobile app in place, there is a greater chance for you to run tailored marketing campaigns that will help you reach out to the maximum audience. Users who have registered on the app may receive suggestions regarding the food dishes on the basis of their previous orders. Also, in case if the user is nearing your restaurant, you may prompt them about your restaurant using a push notification.

Despite the risks involved in using the AI-driven technologies, we have seen a number of advancements done in the restaurant industry. It is suggested that all the restaurant owners should be aware of the advantages of AI.

The belief of benefits outweighing the disadvantages has kept restaurants tapping AI and its related technologies. 

Pay-at-the-Table: Everything You Need to Know

The number of dining options for people has grown tremendously. Diners are spoilt for choice in highly competitive restaurant industry and sometimes even the smallest concern seems to be the deciding factor.

One such issue is the time-consuming nature of the in-restaurant dining experience. diners have to wait to have their orders taken and their meal served. In addition to that, they also have to wait to pay their bills. 

Usually, the diners are in a hurry to get going and pay the bill. In most cases, they can become impatient while waiting for their checks and as a consequence have a bad experience with your restaurant. This could lead to bad reviews and decreased sales.

Hence, many restaurants these days are providing a pay-at-the-table feature to elevate the experience and reduce wait time. 

What is Pay-at-the-Table?

The traditional restaurant experience includes the server making a couple of rounds from the diner’s table to the point of sale terminal to complete the bill payment process. However, the pay at the table feature allows the diners to use tablets or mobile devices to pay for their meals without much back and forth.

These devices have significantly improved the user experience. According to a survey, 61% of the diners affirm that digital payment improved their dining experience. 

Types of payment modes

The different types of payment modes that can be used to electronically pay for the meals after eating include: –

1. Debit/credit card

2. Net-banking

3. E-wallets like Google Wallet, Apple Pay, Dineout Pay, & others

4. Tabletop kiosks with QR Code Scan

Does your restaurant need mobile payments?

Only a restaurateur can properly ascertain whether the technology is useful for them. Carefully considering capital investment and staff training costs and mitigating any risks would be the wisest way to proceed.

Currently, there are 3 million smartphone users and the numbers are only expected to increase in the coming years.  These will also encourage online payments as they are efficient and convenient. Also, according to Global Market Insights, the hospitality industry is one of the three industries projected to impact the mPOS today. 

Advantages of using pay-at-the-table 

In the end, it is important to consider how this technology will assist you. Pay-at-the-table technology can enhance the user experience in the following ways: –

1. Increase operational efficiency & table turns

The technology benefits both your diners and your staff by reducing the time required to complete bill payments. The time saved by the staff can be used to increase table turns which can directly improve the restaurant revenue.

2. Improves Payment Security

When the customers dip, tap or swipe their cards, it assures them that their card was always with them and hence, provides them with a sense of security.

Diners today have innumerable restaurant choices and are dining out more often. They value time and convenience when they are dining out and pay at the table does just that. In such situations, pay at the table solutions have become indispensable and not just a fancy add-on.

So why wait? Go digital and provide your diners with an elevated dining experience.