Torqus is now inresto. Enable Contactless Dining with inresto. Click HERE

The Time has Arrived for a Veganized Menu

If you are up to date with food trends, you would’ve noticed the rise of veganism. Veganism is a diet that bases itself in the practice of abstinence from all animal-based products. This diet could also extend to include abstaining from food items such as refined white sugar and some wines. While the term was phrased by Donald Watson in 1944, it has recently come into prominence due to a variety of reasons. 

Veganism is famous because it helps the environment, the animals and the human body’s health. These reasons have motivated many people to try and adopt veganism.

Here are some facts that may shock you: –

  • Global data reports that the vegan population in the US has increased from 1% in 2014 to 6% in 2017. 
  • Also, U.S customers have spent close to $3.3 billion on plant-based foods in 2018.

Veganism is on a steady upward trajectory as people are embracing veganism with open arms. That’s why many restaurants have started introducing vegan items in their menu to cater to these clients. In fact, a lot of exclusively vegan restaurants have started to pop up in major cities like Mumbai and Delhi.

That’s why we say that the time to introduce veganism in your menu is now!

Ways to get vegan dishes into your menu 

Now that you are considering adding vegan options, here how you could do it: –

1. Introduce vegan versions of your existing dishes

It’s perfectly normal to feel uncomfortable and hesitant about adding new items to your menu which could turn out to be a risky investment. So, we suggest that instead of going all-in with the vegan diet, try introducing vegan versions of your existing dishes. For example: – cauliflower wings or vegetable patty burgers. The performance of these dishes would then give you an insight into what your customer needs.

2. Launch a brand-new vegan menu

If you wish to come up with completely different dishes, launching a new menu altogether would be a better option. This would mean that you have two menus for your customers to choose from: your regular menu and a vegan menu. 

3. Do a complete overhaul

If you feel extremely confident about the vegan revolution and personally align with the values that it represents, you could completely transform your brand. Long-term vegans would love to support a restaurant that not only sees them as a market but believes in their values. This could be one of the major selling points that sets you apart from your competition.

With a rise in the wave against animal cruelty and a cry for action against global warming, veganism is going to be popular for a long time to come. Going vegan is not just a hot food trend, it is slowly becoming a lifestyle change. So, ride the wave of veganism and revel in the rise of aware consumers that enjoy your plant-based food.

Must Have Restaurant Technologies in 2020

With digital restaurant innovation, one simply cannot ignore the value of technology in the F&B space. Restaurant innovations are now becoming essential for automating processes, increasing efficiency and for elevating customer satisfaction. Here is a list of must-have restaurant technology that should be used by every restaurant in 2020!

1. Online Reservation

Digital table reservation is one of the most popular innovations used by restaurants to simplify table reservation procedures for their customers. The online table reservation system allows customers to book tables according to their dining preference, online from the convenience of their homes.

2. Customer Relationship Management

In order to boost customer relationships and restaurant sales, CRM (Customer Relationship Management) technology is the answer. A CRM program lets businesses track and review detailed client information to help promote the business. A successful CRM records it all–contact details for customers and other personal details (such as their birthdays and anniversaries, etc.) on their order history, food preferences, apps mostly used to place orders, preferred payment methods, etc..

3. Wi-Fi

Virtually every single person is active on the internet. Further, more and more restaurant and café chains are offering free wifi to their customers to enable seamless browsing. Hence, providing free WiFi to your customers can truly make or break their loyalty to your restaurant. Further, many people like to capture Instagram worthy moments of food and friends in restaurants and post them online. This means free publicity! So, there is no reason why you shouldn’t offer free WiFi to your customers and help them post a review or two about your restaurant in the most organic way possible.

4. Online Payment

The best thing to have happened to both parties–the customers and restaurateurs–is electronic payment and is one of the most important restaurant technologies one could adopt in 2020. With the introduction of mobile wallets and online payment devices, people no longer need to carry cash or even credit/debit cards.  Online payment facilities have made it simple for customers to pay using their mobile phones and for restaurateurs to collect payment in a time-efficient and risk-free manner. Using digital wallets such as Paytm, Freecharge, Mobikwik, Citrus, etc. has enabled restaurants to collect payments directly into their bank accounts, without worrying about cash theft from employees. Plus, usage of online payments has gained new levels of importance post-pandemic where people want to minimize exposure to foreign surfaces and touches!

5. Loyalty Programs

The tried and tested strategies for attracting new clients are reward schemes. Previously, cash registration staff had to add, accumulate and redeem card loyalty points manually. Restorers can now synchronize POS loyalty programs and automatically assign points. The only thing the registration staff has to do is to input relevant information to automatically attach points to the scheme.

6. Digital Ordering and Digital Feedback Forms

Digital ordering and digital feedback forms have become some of the biggest tools of restaurants to still keep tracking feedback and implementing change in this pandemic-stricken world. As people are more cautious about touching paper-based surfaces, they feel much safer to order and give feedback from their own cell phones.

You can avail benefits of all these technologies with the help of inResto, to make your restaurant more efficient! Visit the website today to find out more!

How to Run a Tight Budget Restaurant

It’s an uphill battle, a rather difficult one when you start your own business from the ground up. With a cut-throat competition on every nook and corner, a restaurant is one business that demands all of your attention and meticulous planning to the very last detail. 

But as we all say, impossible itself says I am possible, and with a lot of determination, consistency and hard work no mountain seems impregnable and no business goal seems unattainable. 

Yes, restaurants do ask for a lot of your blood and sweat, but rewards you with just as much satisfaction. You may think that running a successful, in-demand and trending restaurant may require a lot of monetary investment, but that’s hardly true. 

Here are a few tips on how you can run your restaurant with a tight budget and still keep it the hottest talk of the town. 

1. Plan your marketing techniques

As soon as the business plan is laid, a traditional marketing budget for your restaurant can pose as a burden. But with the power of social media, these days you can pre-market your restaurant online and cut the unnecessary costs around traditional marketing. 

Marketing your restaurant and creating a buzz around it is not rocket science anymore. You just need to have a team that is tech-savvy and knows about the ongoing social trends. All you have to do is choose the right social media platforms and create a page for your restaurant. This will help you start a pre-launch campaign and generate a buzz for the opening event. The same platforms can be used to drive more walk-ins and attain your business goals.

2. Cloud Kitchen 

When starting off with a tight budget for opening a restaurant, you don’t necessarily need to have a dine-in space, if your investments are low. A cloud kitchen can become an affordable option to build a strong customer base, when you eventually want to expand and have a physical restaurant in the future.

Centralizing most of your budget in deliveries, will help you become cost- effective and maximize your ROI. This will not only help you cut down operational costs related to a physical restaurant, but also assist you to re-invest and scale-up your business. 

New business owners, looking to step into the world of the food industry have a better chance at claiming their audience with a cloud kitchen when running the ship on a tight budget.

 3. Concept of Self Service 

Appointing staff members and retaining them can quickly become a challenging task. Coming up with a concept of self- service in your restaurant could prove to be a real cost-saving tool. 

Having designated staff to help customers out with their payments or any queries is essential. This will help in building and sustaining good customer relationships.

The concept of self service is not novel to the customers around the world. However, new working stations developed around these concepts are exciting to people from all walks of life. The opportunity of selecting foods from a digital menu, and making digital payment is something that is new and can break the long queues while increasing the consumer’s experience. 

This builds a fascination around your restaurants and inevitably becomes a unique selling point which you can market, anytime anywhere. 

4. Preventive Measures for the Restaurant

Emergencies don’t usually knock on the door before taking place. Having a preventive maintenance system is essential to cut down unexpected future costs that may leave a dent in your budget. Underestimating breakdowns of machinery can lead to incurring of costs higher than it would cost to integrate a preventive maintenance system. 

Owning a restaurant can keep your plate full but running it on a tight budget can be a whole new challenge. To think ahead of your time is surely beneficial for your efficiency and your restaurant’s success. Apart from that, having a strategy and back- cash handy, just in case everything doesn’t work out as planned can prove an effective damage control system. 

The Recipe of Success for a Home Chef

If there is anything, we Indians cannot live without it has to be Ghar ka khana! Food is a religion in India & we take it very seriously!

The aroma of freshly ground spices and the infused love and culture of hospitality is what makes it all the more special. 

During the lockdown, many of us discovered our love for cooking and found the time to try out new recipes! 

If you too have reached the stage where you have the power to make people drool over Tinde ki sabzi, banana bread, and Dolgona coffee then the world deserves a taste of the food that you make. 

You might be staying at home, but we won’t let your talent be limited within those walls! Let’s get it out there & spread happiness and love with food. 

Here’s all you need to begin your own little home-run restaurant-

1. Set-up a Menu

To begin with, your restaurant needs a menu. Identify the dishes that are most loved by the people around you. Make a list of the a-listers, do the pricing and curate a menu. 

In the social distancing age, where people would be cautious about touching pamphlets and paper menus, a digital menu is a perfect pick for your new age restaurant. 

Just like you contact the printing agency to send menus for printing, all you need to do is contact us, and we would set up a digital menu for you 🙂 

Forward it among your friends and family and set it up on your social media to make ordering easy for your diners. Here’s how

2. Advertise

There’s no doubt that social media is your best friend when it comes to marketing your home kitchen in this day and age.

Here what your need to sort first –

a.) An Instagram business account

b.) lots of pictures of your food

c.) a digital menu, & an ‘order now’ widget

Your diners can simply visit your Instagram profile, and place an order for all the tempting dishes that are there on your feed. 

Click here to know how it works.

3. Packaging

While stocking up on the packaging for food, you must keep the following points in mind- 

  • Make sure the packaging is such that the food stays intact, tape the box well. 
  • It should display your brand identity: Write your kitchen’s name on the box or put your brand logo. 
  • Go green: Make sure the use of plastic is minimum because the more good we think about our environment it does good to us. 

With these 3 basics covered, you can expand your small home kitchen into a restaurant and live your dream job. 

From acing the age-old traditional cooking like achaar to modern food trends like macaroons & croissants, we have all found bliss in cooking. That feeling when people love eating your food and cannot stop praising is not something words can describe. We know you have experienced it but also know that it is never enough. 

So, fix your chef caps, fire up your stove, wear the apron & get started on this home chef journey with us. 🙂

Contact us here

Easy Steps to Reset Your SCM Password

Even though most things are digital right now, one still is advised to remember passwords in order to keep sensitive information secure. A restaurant business involves multiple staff members using various softwares containing delicate information. In such a case it is important to reset your passwords on regular occasions.

And we have got you covered here!

Follow the easy steps mentioned below and reset your password instantly.

Step 1

  • Visit the dashboard URL –,
  • Enter the registered user email address and
  • Click on ‘Forgot Password’

Step 2

  • Next, you will be redirected to the email verification page.
  • Here verify your registered email address and click on ‘Send Reset Password Link’ to request for a secure verification process.

Step 3

  • Open your registered email address inbox and refresh.
  • Now you will receive an email from inresto which will include the verification link.
  • Click on the link to be redirected to a secure site to set a new password.

Step 4

  • Enter your old password, new password and then reenter it to confirm the password.
  • And click on the ‘Change Password’ tab.

Congratulations! You have successfully reset your password. 

It is that simple and secure 🙂

Restaurant Billing Software: Have an Organised Restaurant Billing System

Managing a restaurant can be a daunting task. With the right software to help you out, operating it can become effortless. The emergence of restaurant billing systems has made life easier for everyone in the restaurant industry.

For details on inresto’s Restaurant Billing Software : Click here

What is Restaurant Billing Software?

A restaurant billing software allows ease of billing transactions to make the process simpler and quicker. However, that is not all that the software does. The right software can help you deal with a number of things such as managing orders and inventories, tracking the sales and performance of the business, storing customer data for marketing purposes, and much more.

From data analysis to an increase in the efficiency and output of the staff and the restaurant alike, there is a lot that the in POS-based billing system can do for you.

Crucial Features of a Restaurant Billing System

For a restaurant’s billing software to function right, it needs certain crucial features that can help make it a success. And, now that you know what a billing system for a restaurant is all about, here are some key features that make the software a necessity for every restaurant.

1. Cloud Data Storage

The restaurant billing software will store all the data on the cloud, from customer information to performance reports. Further, cloud storage will allow you to store data without the chance of losing it. Data storage if therefore, quicker and safer through the software.

2. Automated Reports

A billing system ensures the elimination of excessive manual intervention, and this also applies to the performance reports to keep track of the business’ growth. The software ensures automated report generation that you can view on your dashboard to keep track of how well the business is performing. This reduces the time you would otherwise have to spend.

3. All-Round Management

Your restaurant billing software can not only manage the billing aspect of the business but also manage orders, taxes, performance tracking, and more, all through a single software.

4. Multiple Payment Modes

Unlike restaurants with a lack of technology, a restaurant billing system allows multiple payment modes that make it convenient for both, customers and restaurateur. With newer payment apps being introduced, this is all the more vital.

5. Offline Operation

While the software may need access to the internet in order to store data, it can also operate offline without a glitch. In case of power failures or no access to the internet, the system can restore the cloud storage once online, making it convenient and efficient during all times.

6. 24*7 Support

While you may run your restaurant within a set time limit, your billing software can carry out conversations through chatbots in order to convey crucial information to the customers. You can provide round-the-clock support or choose to be available for a little more than the official open hours.

How will Using a Billing Software Help your Restaurant?

Every key feature of a billing system comes with its own perk that can take a restaurant’s business up another notch. Whether your restaurant business is a small one or one that has gained popularity among its customers, billing software is sure to help your restaurant in more ways than one.

Here is a list of all the ways it could help you:

1. Efficiency in Inventory Management

Managing an inventory is one of the most dreaded tasks of all for a restaurant owner or even the staff. With increasing competition and the need to be consistently great at serving the customers, managing the inventory can work as your make or break situation too. 

The restaurant billing software can help you keep track of the ingredients you have in store and send out alerts when the stock is almost depleted beyond a certain point. The person in charge of tracking the inventory needs only to make note of what is needed and have it stocked in time, ensuring that there is never a shortage.

2. Ease of Performance Tracking

Weekly or monthly reports are yet another necessity of running a business to identify the shortcomings and points of improvement. The software can help restaurants keep track of the sales with regards to the items sold, the cost of the food, items that are more frequently ordered, the number of customers coming in, the number of tables occupied, and the cost of labour, among other things.

All of these metrics help keep track of how the business has been performing and what profits they have incurred.

3. Anytime Access to the System

Just because your restaurant is open a certain amount in no way means that you cannot have access to the system or its data anytime or anywhere. With portable billing systems, you can have access to the systems from any location, as long as you have a working internet connection.

4. Management of Takeaways and Deliveries

In the case of takeaways and deliveries, while there are no tables occupied or customers coming in, the sales need to be tracked irrespective. While billing softwares are usually efficient in managing the crowds coming in to dine, they also come with the feature to track and manage orders for takeaway and delivery. 

5. Efficiency in Online Ordering

Ordering in has become a more sought-after choice for most people compared to dining in at a restaurant. Busy lifestyles and the ever-increasing traffic keep people glued to their homes digging into delightful dishes that restaurants deliver right at their doorsteps. 

The restaurant billing software can have the entire menu uploaded online along with the feature to track the online orders and manage the deliveries as quickly and efficiently as possible.

6. Management of Multiple Outlets

For bigger restaurants that have several outlets or chains of restaurants, being at every store is an impossible task for the owner. The software can keep track of the performance and ongoings at every outlet, allowing the owner to be present virtually at all the places. The owner will be able to control how the menu looks, the profits, as well as the quality of the food and service. 

Further, the owner can make sure nothing happens at the outlets without his or her consent or knowledge. 

7. Handling Restaurant Marketing

Yes, you heard that right. A restaurant billing system can be used to market your business on social media. This can be accomplished by having the discounts, festive sales, and other offers, announced by the software. With the customer data stored in the cloud, the software can even send customised messages to them as part of loyalty points.

8. Mandatory Customer Feedback

One way for every establishment to improve the way it functions is to get customer feedback and to work on it. And one can hardly expect every customer to leave reviews of their experience at your restaurant on the website. Using the billing software as a means to get every customer’s feedback, suggestion, or opinion is a possibility by implementing the right features. 

Taking all of these learnings into account, it is only evident how vital a restaurant billing system is for every establishment and outlet. And the good news is, those who already have a software helping them out can also have it upgraded from time to time, to have all of the features incorporated. 

So, for those of you who do not yet have the software, it is time you get one. 

And those who already own a billing software, the only questions you need to ask to identify whether you need an upgraded restaurant billing software is:

  • Whether the operations are handled in time?
  • Whether there are issues being faced during payment?
  • Whether there is portability in managing the systems from your smartphones or tablets?
  • Whether there is a notable improvement in the order preparations compared to earlier?
  • Whether performance tracking is accurate and enables an improvement in the functioning of the restaurant?

Asking all of these questions can help you make the right decision.

Contact us here.

It’s a Win-Win situation: This IPL season increase your revenue by 3X

Indian Premier League – is a game that is synonymous with the heartbeat of India. With the commencement of IPL 2020 from September 19th, the nation couldn’t wait to escape to the world of celebrations.

IPL is not just a league but a festival that is celebrated across the country with food at the centre stage. It is apparent that foodies will indulge in different kinds of cuisines while enjoying this year’s ONLY and most awaited season of cricket. 

How does Dineout perk up the spirit of the nation?

Through its Predict & Win campaign each year –

  • Diners get great food & win cashback 
  • Restaurants entertain these crazy cricket fans and keep the food & drinks coming

Here is what Predict & Win is all about:

The Winning Streak: Super Saver

IPL is directly proportional to the number of incoming orders which is directly proportional to the revenue of the restaurants. Therefore, it is the right time to be the preferred choice amongst the diners for any restaurateur. 

How does Dineout amplify the sales of a restaurant?

By featuring restaurants in the Super Saver Collection of restaurants on the Dineout App.

Invest only X and get 3X return.  

Here is what Super Saver is all about:

Serve More & Earn More. Get in touch with us here.

Farm To Table | A Restaurateur’s Best Investment & Why?

‘Farm to Table’ – a concept that supports small farmers and local businesses which has recently become the talk of the restaurant industry. The pandemic led to import related restrictions which forced many restaurants to take a close look at their inventory requirements.  This prominent idea from the year 2019 has suddenly gained momentum in the last couple of months. And just like you, we were left wondering why? So we did some digging 😉

What is ‘Farm to Table’?

Very much clear from its name –  when raw ingredients are brought to the restaurants directly from their respective farms without any distributors or middlemen involved, it is called ‘Farm to Table’.  The restaurants then include these ingredients in their recipes.

Many new trends came to surface soon after restaurants across the country reopened their doors. These included re-engineered menus, Contactless Dining, hygiene & safety solutions and ‘Farm to Table’. Farm to Table not only benefits the environment but also supports and promotes the local economy.

Let us dive into the intricacies of its impact and importance during the current scenario.

1. Go vocal for local! 

That’s the mantra the country has set its path on. Small & local businesses in India have received the support of millions of people recently, and have grown immensely. It has also given them a chance to take up space in the international market. 

With ‘Farm to Table’, you as a restaurateur can play your part in this by buying raw material from local farms and contribute towards the local economy. It also helps you save the distribution cost involved in the entire process of sourcing raw material. 

2. Concern About Hygiene & Safety

As we continue our battle with the virus, the safety concerns remain in people’s minds. The uncertainty of the source of the virus spread makes people cautious of every product and service they avail, and hence they are apprehensive about trying globally sourced ingredients.

Since the restaurant sources ingredients locally and some even produce their own raw material, there is a sense of accountability. This assures the diners that their food is being touched by only a few trusted hands. It is a great way to rebuild diner trust during these times and provide them with a #SafeToEatOut environment. 

3. Health Benefits

Along with consuming food prepared under hygienic conditions, people want to eat clean. Eating clean means consuming food that keeps your body free of toxins. The rising awareness about the importance of eating healthy has increased the likes of people seeking healthy food rather than junk at restaurants. Kale, Quinoa, smoothie bowls, avocado salads, vegan delights have been the top trending things on social media for a reason. 

During COVID-19, when people are working on building their immunity, eating healthy becomes the priority. ‘Farm to Table’ ensures that the food is rich with essential nutrients and are hence healthier for the diners. 

4. Environment Friendly

Another benefit of sourcing local ingredients and consuming organic food is that it contributes towards building a sustainable environment. With no artificial ingredients and flavours at your restaurant, you make the world a better place by making it environment-friendly. 🙂  

With a little strategic thinking, you can innovate the existing dishes in the menu by introducing local ingredients, or even create new recipes altogether that might intrigue your diners and keep them coming back for more. 🙂

With this, you would not only be supporting local farmers and serving the environment but also many diners in eating healthier and staying fit. Then you can sit back in a new and better world and watch your business grow with happy customers.

Any restaurateur is more than happy to deliver happiness and add value to people’s lives, and there cannot be a better way for you to do that 🙂

Get started today! 

How is inresto’s Complete Restaurant Management Solution Beneficial for Restaurants

Finding a solution has always been one of the go-to strategies for businesses to attain success. This applies ten-folds for restaurateurs, who are constantly experiencing changes and need a requisite solution to attain business success. A complete restaurant management solution enables restaurant owners to bridge the visible gaps in their operations to ensure optimal results.

Founded in 2015, inresto has managed to create a distinguished place among restaurateurs by providing a complete restaurant management solution that enables them to own their data, increase revenue and reduce cost. Applicable for any and all restaurant formats, inresto has revolutionized the way restaurants operate. 

It has helped restaurateurs to manage restaurant-related processes in an effective and efficient manner. Moreover, it has also enabled them to seamlessly scale and be more agile towards adaptation to business environments. Here’s how this platform proves to be a beneficial solution for restaurants:

1. Streamline Front & Back of the House Operations

The front, as well as the backend operations of any business, are pivotal for its success. A restaurant business is no exception. However, problems related to management and operations can often become a bit overwhelming. Thus, highlighting the need for an effective solution.

With its restaurant management solutions, namely inresto POS and inresto Reserve, DineIn, Feedback and more;  the company enables restaurateurs to streamline front and back house operations effectively. This not only empowers the entire process to progress smoothly, but also allows better service provision to customers, and permits serving more customers! 

2. Jumpstart Profitability with its Integrated Technology Platform

inresto has helped over 15,000 restaurateurs to achieve higher profitability and scalability with its integrated technology platform. Backed by Dineout, one of the leading table management solution providers, inresto enables restaurateurs to not only heighten the number of reservations from their existing customers but also elevates the number of new walk-ins. Thereby, steering forth higher revenues and success.

3. Get Actionable Insights to Accelerate Growth

With inresto, restaurateurs can get valuable insights and leverage them to accelerate growth and scalability. With inresto Feedback, customers can submit their feedback and suggestions for improvement, thereby helping restaurants to understand customer pain points and act on instant grievance redressal. Moreover, with DineIn and Guest & Reserve features, restaurants can capture customer preferences and ordering behaviour and leverage the same to send them relevant offers and promotions through its Campaigns module.

4. Manage Your Restaurant From Anywhere

The most exciting part of this solution for restaurateurs is the ease and convenience of keeping an eye on their business, even when they are far away! Technological advancements have enabled business owners to be more informed about the intricacies of their operations, no matter where they are in the world. With inresto, all the insights and customer profiles based on customer preferences are accessible through a single dashboard. This makes it easier for restaurateurs to manage their restaurants, monitor staff performance, and make profit-driven decisions.

inresto’s end-to-end service offerings offer restaurateurs the ability to achieve business goals seamlessly and be ready with solutions even before issues get a chance to impact businesses negatively. 

Turn your restaurant into a success by turning towards inresto!